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See You (In Person!) at Meet Magento UK

It’s back! After two years being held as a virtual summit, the UK’s largest community-hosted Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source event is back as an in-person conference, with Meet Magento UK returning to The Mermaid in London on 21 June.

The all day conference will see merchants, developers and technology partners come together to showcase the biggest and best ideas from the world of Magento. It’s always a fantastic event – and one we’re really looking forward to attending again this year.

Will we see you there? We hope so! You can grab your tickets here.

Why Attend Meet Magento UK 2022?

The Magento community is like few others out there. It thrives on collaboration, connection and community spirit – and this is very much at the heart of Meet Magento UK.

But why should you dedicate time to travelling to London, when you could get all the slides online a week or two later?

With MMUK now just days away, it’s a good time to remind ourselves why it’s well worth attending these events in person – and especially so this year now that we finally can!

1. An amazing opportunity to learn

First and foremost, we never stop learning as Adobe Commerce/Magento developers – and Magento events are one of THE best ways to gain and soak up the latest knowledge and industry thinking.

While the speaker sessions can be great for picking up on specific industry knowledge and developments, just talking to fellow developers or users can provide insights you might otherwise miss. It’s a great opportunity to network with other Magento devs and users in a relaxed and friendly environment.

2. Discover more about optimisation

With each Meet Magento event comes a host of optimisation strategies that extend beyond the Magento platform itself. These strategies are designed around minimising pain points for both you and your customers, by extending functionality or just making practices more efficient.

3. Meeting other humans!

The last few years have been strange to say the least – and while online events are great, there’s nothing quite like meeting other people face-to-face.

Plus, Meet Magento UK happens to be held in the heart of one of the world’s greatest cities, meaning you’re never far from the plethora of attractions, green spaces, bars, cafés and restaurants the capital has to offer. It’s a location you won’t be forgetting in a hurry.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! Haven’t got your ticket yet? You can find out more about Meet Magento UK here and book your place.